
Pekin Animal Hospital recommends microchipping your pet. Even if you have a house pet who rarely goes outside, accidents can happen. A contractor or landlord leaves a door or gate open, your pet slips by you as you grab your mail or worse yet, a tornado or other storm event damages your home and your pet gets lost. Many lost pets never find their way back home; microchipping and ID tags can help.

The chip is the size of a grain of rice with an encoded number that is implanted under the skin over the shoulder blades using a needle and syringe. The chips are detected with a scanner and these days, most veterinary offices, rescue operations and animal control services have a scanner. The chip can be implanted during an office visit or many pet owners choose to do it while their pet is being spayed or neutered.

Pekin Animal Hospital uses Save This Life microchips. Save This Life Microchips include:

  • Lifetime Registration Included with each Microchip

  • Aluminum, ID Tags

  • $1000 in Lost Pet Health Insurance (US only)

  • Free Lost Pet Alerts and Lost Pet Posters Sent Out

  • Pet Owner Receives Online Log In to Update Contact Information and Pet’s Photo for Lifetime

  • Microchip ID Numbers Searchable in Popular Search Engines like Google™!

  • Text and Email sent to the pet owner with a GPS map powered by Google Maps™.