
Physical Exam

A thorough physical examination is important to the health and longevity of your pet. We recommend all pets receive an annual exam to insure their continued health & well-being. Pets with medical issues may need to be seen more often. At Pekin Animal Hospital, a physical examination initiates all visits for illness, trauma, or routine annual wellness assessment.

Once the examination is complete, various diagnostic tests or procedures may then be used to help complete the visit and/or arrive at a diagnosis.


Our goal is always to provide the best possible care for your pet in the least invasive way. To assist our medical staff in that goal, our in-house laboratory capabilities include automated blood counts, individual blood chemistries, pre-surgical screening, and urinalysis that allow for rapid access to data in urgent situations.

We can also provide all the most used testing such as: heartworm, feline leukemia/immunodeficiency virus, cytology, (bacterial) culture and sensitivity, etc. to provide our patients with rapid results and immediate medical intervention.

For non-urgent and less commonly used testing, we have several reputable reference laboratories we work with including Idexx, the University of Illinois, Michigan State University, and Texas A&M.

Standard Radiology

In keeping with our mission of least invasive medical diagnostics, Pekin Animal Hospital has digital radiology. OFA X-rays for certification of hips and elbows are also available.

Oral/Exotic Radiology

Pekin Animal Hospital also has digital dental x rays. Our equipment has the smallest focal spot currently available for intraoral imaging and guarantees consistently sharp images allowing this unit to provide not only excellent oral imaging, but also allows our veterinarians to take excellent images of our smaller exotic patients.

Ultrasound – Our ultrasound produces a high-quality image providing another non-invasive diagnostic tool for our veterinarians. In more complex cases, our veterinarians can immediately share the images and consult with an Ultrasound Specialist.


Endoscopy is available for noninvasive examination of the esophagus, stomach, and colon, depending on patient size.


We can electronically submit our EKG’s to be viewed by a veterinary cardiologist for interpretation and treatment recommendations.